
“Johnny Makhathini… reminds us that our heritage, symbols and monuments must be visible, as a powerful nation building tool… we must have monuments which indicate that we are a people with a certain history” (President JG Zuma, Feb 2010) A musical theatre tribute to Johnny Makhathini. Johnstone “Johnny” Mfanafuthi Makhathini was born in Durban on 8 February 1932. He attended school at Adams College in Durban where he trained as a teacher before teaching in Mzinyathi in the Inanda area. When the apartheid government imposed Bantu Education he resigned from teaching and went on to pursue further studies part time at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Makhathini joined politics and devoted his time to organizing the people as an activist of the African National Congress (ANC).Presented with the Ndwedwe Local Municipality. |
Annually K-CAP Theatre produces dynamic theatre productions that conserve and showcase the local talent and the rich heritage of the country. K-CAP works with local aspirant and talented actors nurturing them to becoming professional performing artists. K-CAP continuously aim to developing unique talent and creating fresh and exciting new theatre productions that excites, educates and entertains. The ever-busy K-CAP theatre company, based in Ekhaya Multi Arts Centre Kwa Mashu, has created a topical new musical entitled Madame President which examines some of the issues which would be grappled with if South Africa were to democratically elect a woman as their next president. The production employs a total of 30 youth performing artists who are full-time on the musical including a 6-piece band of professionals. The production contributes immensely in creating sustainable job opportunities for talented youth who since 2009 have been part of this project. Some of the youth trained for this production have been recruited by the Disney’s Lion King Musical and are today, through theatre, permanent breadwinners at their homes. A proof that arts are a job creator! The Madame President musical showcase that a country of South Africa, (like Liberia) is ready to be led by a woman president. The production illustrates challenges facing women who aspire for a top leadership post in the country. As it journeys, the production is littered in scenes with themes of highly acclaimed African Queens and Women – whom Nobuntu refers to as her models as she travels towards achieving her goal. Women such as warrior Angola queen,Queen Nzingha, the powerful story of Queen Sheba – Ethiopia. Features of the musical are dynamic: African style music, vibrant dances, breath-taking acting and colourful costumes reflecting the diversity of Africa, South Africa. Be transported! |
Staging in August 2016 as part of celebrating the 60 years of the SA Women 1956 historic march to Pretoria and paying tribute to AU Chairperson Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.
Kwa Mashu X Prisoners which their lives had a turning point after serving long sentences of different criminal acts. Some people don\’t change after serving long sentences in jail they come out and continue with their anti-social activities. But for the Just don\’t cast members prison was a place where their lives completely changed from being trouble makers to become responsible members of the community of Kwa Mashu.To do away with crime was not good enough for them that\’s why they came together and approached an internationally acclaimed Durban based playwright Edmund Mhlongo to help them to put together a drama on crime awareness. Edmund Mhlongo was in support of this movement since he already had a script of the production about crime.This production is different from other production written and directed by Edmund Mhlongo. One of the things that make this production unique is that it only consist of 9 cast members and there is no band they do African acappela music.
Kwa Mashu have been known as a high crime rate zone in Durban where on the other hand it have international actors singers ,politicians and Successful Business people coming from this township. The cast members of Just don\’t have made a dramatic change in their lives since they have established themselves as the professional actors. This production have a strong impact since it is based on a true story and their experience from each of the cast members. |